- Monterey-pine weevil
- смолёвка новозеландской сосны (Pissodes radiatae)* * *смолевка новозеландской сосны
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
gardening — /gahrd ning/, n. 1. the act of cultivating or tending a garden. 2. the work or art of a gardener. [1570 80; GARDEN + ING1] * * * Laying out and tending of a garden. Though palatial gardens existed in ancient times, small home gardens became… … Universalium
Algodones Dunes — The Algodones Dunes is a large erg (sand dune field) located in the southeastern portion of the U.S. state of California, near the border with Arizona and the Mexican state of Baja California. The field is approximately 45 miles long by 6 miles… … Wikipedia